We recommend you try Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers to view the tutorials. Many of issues arise from Internet Explorer browser. 

Please also ensure you are using the latest version web browser.

If you continue to have problems with the videos, please contact us with the specific Course, Module, Lesson & video you are problem with.

Videos are not loading (***This should no longer be a problem in 2021, see below for more)
We use Vimeo for our online video hosting. Unfortunately, Vimeo (as with many other video hosting vendors) may be banned or directly inaccessible in certain countries - this is outside of our control.

Some countries that we know of that do not have access to Vimeo (please check with Vimeo if you're unsure if Vimeo is not available in your country):

  • China
  • Indonesia

If Vimeo is banned/inaccessible in the country where you reside, the best solution is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) - which lets you access the Internet as if you were in another geographic location.

We currently recommend the following VPN services if you don't have access to a VPN service (both work in countries within the Middle-East and also China):

2021 UPDATE:

We are currently updating all videos to new video hosting (away from Vimeo) so the issue of access denial for certain countries is avoided.

As this is a slow and tedious process, we should have all online courses transitioned to the new video hosting by Q3 2021.

Please check with us if you are uncertain or want to know if the course you're interested in is already transitioned.